Demonte Colony 2 (2024) Telugu Movie

Demonte Colony 2 is the most awaited follow-up to the 2015 horror hit, Demonte Colony. Directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu, this film stars Arulnithi in a dual role, along with Priya Bhavani and Archana. This supernatural thriller takes a deeper dive into the creepy world of Demonte Colony, offering lots of scares and suspense.

Released on August 15, the movie runs for 144 minutes and has been praised for its engaging story and eerie atmosphere. It's set to make a strong impact on horror fans with its spooky and exciting plot.

Genre Horror, Thriller
Director Ajay Gnanamuthu
Main Cast Arulnithi, Priya Bhavani, Archana
Release Date 15 August 2024
Runtime 144 minutes
Language Tamil
Run time 2h 24m
IMDb Rate 7.8 / 10
Budget ₹20 Crores

Demonte Colony 2 has been well-received for its thrilling horror elements and intense atmosphere. Critics have praised Ajay Gnanamuthu's screenplay for keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Arulnithi's performance in his dual role is particularly highlighted as a standout feature.

The film's technical aspects, including Harish Kannan's cinematography and Sam C. S's haunting music, have also been appreciated. The movie has impressed both fans and critics, making it a notable entry in the horror genre this year.

Main Actors

  • Arulnithi as Srinivasan Srini
  • Priya Bhavani Shankar as Debbie
  • Archana Ravichandran as Aishwarya
  • Antti Jääskeläinen as John Demonte
  • Tsering Dorjee as Daoshi
  • Arun Pandian as Dr. Richard
  • Meenakshi as Adithi

Brief Story

Demonte Colony 2 picks up where the first film ended. Srinivasan (played by Arulnithi) is now a ghost, having left his human body. His spirit is accidentally summoned by Priya Bhavani Shankar and a Tibetan exorcist, setting off a series of events that lead them back to the haunted Demonte Colony.

As they explore the colony’s mysteries, they encounter terrifying horrors. The story focuses on their fight to survive against evil forces while uncovering dark secrets about the Demonte Colony. The film combines supernatural and psychological horror for a truly chilling experience.

Box Office

Demonte Colony 2 had a strong start at the box office, thanks to the buzz leading up to its release. Early reports indicate it had a solid opening weekend, with predictions that it might even surpass the earnings of the first film. Positive reviews and strong pre-release excitement have helped the film perform well, making it a top contender among Tamil horror movies this year.

The film is expected to continue doing well in the coming weeks. Analysts believe its unique story and engaging horror elements will keep audiences coming to theatres, ensuring good box office returns.

Right now, Demonte Colony 2 is only available in theatres right now and it will be available on OTT partners. You can check Bappam Home for more such Telugu content every day.